Why Choose
Lakefront Bookkeeping & Business Services?
Our in-house accountant has over 25 years of experience working with and assisting small business owners. We have seen almost everything a small business owner has to deal with and we can share this experience with you.
Lakefront Bookkeeping will work directly with your tax professional or we can provide in-house tax preparation services. Our records are so detailed and accurate, your CPA will love working with us. When accurate information is provided each year, it will save you money on your tax return.
Our bookkeepers have over 45 years of combined experience running their own small businesses. We have seen it all (steady growth, recessions, employee issues, business expansion, etc.). Let our experience help your business grow.
Lakefront Bookkeeping & Business Services speaks your language. We know the language of small business and recognize a majority of small business owners did not take accounting classes in school. You work hard on your business, let us help you track your money.